EasySpeech Controls v2.0


The OnInterference event occurs when the speech recognition (SR) engine encounters interference in the input audio stream.

Event OnInterference(
Interference As _SpeechInterference)


constant that specifies the type of interference. It can be one of the following value.


Constant Description
SI_Noise The sound received is interpreted by the speech recognition engine as noise.
SI_None Private. Do not use.
SI_NoSI_gnal A sound is received but it is of a constant intensity.
SI_TooFast The words are spoken too quickly for discrete recognition.
SI_TooLoud A sound is received but the stream intensity is too high for discrete recognition.
SI_TooQuiet A sound is received but the stream intensity is too low for discrete recognition.
SI_TooSlow The words are spoken too slowly and indicates excessive time between words.



See Also
