TAPIEx ActiveX Control v3.6


The OnSpeechRecognition event is fired when the state of the recognition processing has changed.

Event OnSpeechRecognition(
m_Call as ITAPICall, 
iEvent as SR_EVENT_TYPE,
sResult as String )


Reference to ITAPICALL
The state that has changed. This parameter can be one of the following constants
Constant Description
SRE_INTERFERENCE The SR engine determined that the sound stream has a hindrance and is preventing a successful recognition.
SRE_RECO_STATE_CHANGE The recognizer state has changed.
SRE_END_SR_STREAM The SR engine has finished receiving an audio input stream.
SRE_SOUND_START The SR engine determined that audible sound is available through the input stream.
SRE_SOUND_END The SR engine has determined that audible sound is no longer available through the input stream, or that the sound stream has been inactive for a period.
SRE_FALSE_RECOGNITION Apparent speech without valid recognition.
SRE_HYPOTHESIS The SR engine is returning a partial phrase recognition - effectively its best guess up to that point in the stream.
SRE_RECOGNITION The SR engine is returning a full recognition. Parameter sResult is the recognized text.
SRE_START_SR_STREAM The SR engine has reached the start of a new audio stream.



See Also
