Property |
Description |
AboutUserName |
for registered users input the registration information. |
AboutSerialNumber |
AboutLicenseType |
Returns the type of current license. |
AutoDropOnDisconnect |
Whether drop the call when getting the OnDisconnect event. |
CallingCards |
Returns the instance of IEnumCallingCard. |
CurrentLocationID |
Sets/returns the ID of current location. |
DebugLevel |
Sets/returns the debug level. |
ErrString |
Return Error String |
ErrCode |
Return Error Code |
PlayBufferLength |
Sets/returns the size(in byte) of the record buffer, 0 mean the use the
default value. |
Phones |
Return the collection of the ITAPIPhone interface. |
Lines |
Return collection of ITAPILine interface. |
Locations |
Returns the instance of IEnumLocation. |
RecordFormatID |
Sets/returns the unique identifier of the record wave format |
RecordFormat |
Return the information of the record codes(name, bits, bandwidth..) |
RecordTimeOut |
Sets/returns the time out value of recording. The recording will auto
stop after it reach that value. |
RTWaveConvert |
Enable/disable "realtime" conversion of playback/record wave
stream. |
SAPI_UseNativeAudioObj |
Enable or disable using the native audio object in TTS or SR modules of
SAPI 5.1. |
RecordBufferLength |
Sets/returns the size(in byte) of the record buffer, 0 mean the use the
default value. |
SR_Engine |
Set this property specify the Speech Recognition engine that will be use
in IListen. |
If True uses the SR in SAPI 5.1(default) , otherwise uses SAPI 4.0 |
If True uses the TTS in SAPI 5.1(default) , otherwise uses SAPI 4.0 |
TTS_Volume |
Sets/returns the volume of the TTS(Text to Speech) |
TTS_Speed |
Sets/returns the speed of the TTS(Text to Speech) |
TTS_Engine |
Set this property specify the TTS engine that will be use in ISpeak. |
TTY_BaudotSpeed |
Set the speed of baudot code. |
TTY_GenerateVolume |
Set the amplitude volume in dB of baudot code in generation. |
WriteLogFile |
Whether write the debug message to log file. |
WavePlayDeviceClass |
Set/return the class name of wave play device. |
WaveRecordDeviceClass |
Set/return the class name of wave record device. |
Methods |
Description |
AboutBox |
Popup a dialog with the copyright information. |
CloseAll |
Close all the Lines |
LoadLicenseFromReg |
Load the registration information from the system registry. |
GetCountryCode |
Returns the country code (the actual country code of the country/region
represented by the entry. that is, the digits that would be dialed in an
international call) for the specified country index. |
GetCountryName |
Returns the country name for the specified country index. |
GetLineFromDeviceID |
Get specified ITAPILine Interface from the device ID. |
GetWaveFormat |
Return the reference of IWaveFormat for the specified wave file. |
Initialize |
initialize the control. |
NumberOfCountries |
Returns the number of countries known to the system. |
RegReqMakeCallRecipient |
Registers the invoking application as a recipient of requests for tapiRequestMakeCall()
from other applications. |
SetCurrentLocation |
Sets the location used as the context for address translation. |
ShowTTSConfigureDialog |
Show the TTS configure dialog. |
UnInitialize |
Uninitialize the control, free the resources |
WaitForReply |
Wait for a TAPI request to complete. |
Events |
Description |
OnBusy |
Fired when the call is receiving a busy tone. A busy tone indicates that
the call cannot be completed, because the remote party's station or the
trunk are in use. |
OnCallerID |
Fired when caller Id is detected. |
OnCallInfoChanged |
Fired when the call information about the specified call has changed.
OnCallStateChange |
Fired when the status of the specified call has changed. |
OnConnected |
Fired when the call has been established and the connection is made. |
OnDataPassThrough |
Fired when have received the RAW data from the service provider in Passthrough
mode. |
OnDebug |
Fired when notify the debug information. |
OnDeviceStateChanged |
Fired when the state of the device has changed. |
OnDevSpecific |
Fired when about device-specific events occurring at the call. |
OnDevSpecificFeature |
Fired when about device-specific events occurring at the line. |
OnDialTone |
Fired when dial tone is detected. |
OnDisConnected |
Fired when the remote party hang's up a conected call. |
Fired when a digit is detected. |
OnDTMFTimeOut |
Fired when have not receive any DTMF within DTMF_TimeOut seconds |
OnEndCall |
Fired when the ending of previous call of this line. |
OnError |
Fired when notify the error information. |
OnFrequencyData |
Fired when the amplitude of frequencies(FFT result set) are ready. |
OnFrequencyDetected |
Fired when deteted the main frequencies on the phone line. |
OnGatherDigitsTerminated |
Fired when current digit-gathering request has terminated or is canceled. |
OnGenerateComplete |
Fired when the current digits/tones generation is terminated. |
OnHold |
Fired when the call is set on hold by the switch. |
OnInfo |
Fired when notify the information. |
OnLineDynamicCreate |
to inform the application of the creation of a new line device. |
OnLineDynamicRemove |
Fired to inform an application of the removal (deletion from the system) of a line device. |
OnIdle |
Fired when TAPI indicates that the call is in an idle state. |
OnLineReply |
Fires when asynchronous TAPI function is completed. |
OnMonitorMedia |
Fired when TAPI indicates that the media mode of the call has changed. |
OnNewCall |
fires each time the line device signals a new call. |
OnOffering |
Fired when an incoming call is detected on the line. |
OnPhoneDevSpecific |
Fired when about device-specific events occurring at the phone. |
OnPhoneDynamicCreate |
Fired to inform the application of the creation of a new line device. |
OnPhoneDynamicRemove |
Fired to inform an application of the removal (deletion from the system) of a line device. |
OnPhoneStateChanged |
Fired when the status of a phone device changed. |
OnPlayBackComplete |
Fired when the playBack wave is Completed |
OnRecordComplete |
Fire when the recording is completed. |
OnRequestMakeCall |
reports the arrival of a new request of MakeCall(tapiRequestMakeCall)
from another application. |
OnRing |
Fired when the ring is detected. |
OnSetupTransferExComplete |
Fired when SetupTransferEx
has completed |
OnRecordTimeOut |
Fired when reach the record time out value. |
OnSpeakState |
Fired when the state of TTS has changed. |
OnSpecialInfo |
Fired when special information available. |
OnSpeechRecognition |
Fired when the state of the recognition processing has changed. |
OnSilence |
Fired when silence is detected on the telephone line. |
OnSilenceEnd |
Fired when detected the ending point of the silence by software. |
OnSilenceStart |
Fired when detected the starting point of the silence by software. |
OnToneDetected |
Fired when a tone is detected. |
OnTTYDetection |
Fired when a TTY baudot code char is detected. |
OnWaveInBuffer |
Fired when the record waveform-audio data is present in the WaveInbuffer. |
OnWaveOutBuffer |
Fired when the given output buffer has been played. |