TAPIEx ActiveX Control v3.6


TAPIExCtl --Base interface of the all other interface, provided to initialize, enumerate available lines, events notifications.

Property Description
AboutUserName for registered users input the registration information.
AboutLicenseType Returns the type of current license.
AutoDropOnDisconnect Whether drop the call when getting the OnDisconnect event.
CallingCards Returns the instance of IEnumCallingCard.
CurrentLocationID Sets/returns the ID of current location.
DebugLevel Sets/returns the debug level.
ErrString Return Error String
ErrCode Return Error Code
PlayBufferLength Sets/returns the size(in byte) of the record buffer, 0 mean the use the default value.
Phones Return the collection of the ITAPIPhone interface.
Lines Return collection of ITAPILine interface.
Locations Returns the instance of IEnumLocation.
RecordFormatID Sets/returns the unique identifier of the record wave format
RecordFormat Return the information of the record codes(name, bits, bandwidth..)
RecordTimeOut Sets/returns the time out value of recording. The recording will auto stop after it reach that value.

RTWaveConvert Enable/disable "realtime" conversion of playback/record wave stream.
SAPI_UseNativeAudioObj Enable or disable using the native audio object in TTS or SR modules of SAPI 5.1.
RecordBufferLength Sets/returns the size(in byte) of the record buffer, 0 mean the use the default value.
SR_Engine Set this property specify the Speech Recognition engine that will be use in IListen.
SR_UseSAPI5 If True uses the SR in SAPI 5.1(default) , otherwise uses SAPI 4.0
TTS_UseSAPI5 If True uses the TTS in SAPI 5.1(default) , otherwise uses SAPI 4.0
TTS_Volume Sets/returns the volume of the TTS(Text to Speech)
TTS_Speed Sets/returns the speed of the TTS(Text to Speech)
TTS_Engine Set this property specify the TTS engine that will be use in ISpeak.
TTY_BaudotSpeed Set the speed of baudot code.
TTY_GenerateVolume Set the amplitude volume in dB of baudot code in generation.
WriteLogFile Whether write the debug message to log file.
WavePlayDeviceClass Set/return the class name of wave play device.
WaveRecordDeviceClass Set/return the class name of wave record device.


Methods Description
AboutBox Popup a dialog with the copyright information.
CloseAll Close all the Lines
LoadLicenseFromReg Load the registration information from the system registry.
GetCountryCode Returns the country code (the actual country code of the country/region represented by the entry. that is, the digits that would be dialed in an international call) for the specified country index.
GetCountryName Returns the country name for the specified country index.
GetLineFromDeviceID Get specified ITAPILine Interface from the device ID.
GetWaveFormat Return the reference of IWaveFormat for the specified wave file.
Initialize initialize the control.
NumberOfCountries Returns the number of countries known to the system.
RegReqMakeCallRecipient Registers the invoking application as a recipient of requests for tapiRequestMakeCall() from other applications.
SetCurrentLocation Sets the location used as the context for address translation.
ShowTTSConfigureDialog Show the TTS configure dialog.
UnInitialize Uninitialize the control, free the resources
WaitForReply Wait for a TAPI request to complete.


Events Description
OnBusy Fired when the call is receiving a busy tone. A busy tone indicates that the call cannot be completed, because the remote party's station or the trunk are in use.
OnCallerID Fired when caller Id is detected.
OnCallInfoChanged Fired when the call information about the specified call has changed.
OnCallStateChange Fired when the status of the specified call has changed.
OnConnected Fired when the call has been established and the connection is made.
OnDataPassThrough Fired when have received the RAW data from the service provider in Passthrough mode.
OnDebug Fired when notify the debug information.
OnDeviceStateChanged Fired when the state of the device has changed.
OnDevSpecific Fired when about device-specific events occurring at the call.
OnDevSpecificFeature Fired when about device-specific events occurring at the line.
OnDialTone Fired when dial tone is detected.
OnDisConnected Fired when the remote party hang's up a conected call.
OnDTMF Fired when a digit is detected.
OnDTMFTimeOut Fired when have not receive any DTMF within DTMF_TimeOut seconds
OnEndCall Fired when the ending of previous call of this line.
OnError Fired when notify the error information.
OnFrequencyData Fired when the amplitude of frequencies(FFT result set) are ready.
OnFrequencyDetected Fired when deteted the main frequencies on the phone line.
OnGatherDigitsTerminated Fired when current digit-gathering request has terminated or is canceled.
OnGenerateComplete Fired when the current digits/tones generation is terminated.
OnHold Fired when the call is set on hold by the switch.
OnInfo Fired when notify the information.
OnLineDynamicCreate Fired to inform the application of the creation of a new line device.
OnLineDynamicRemove Fired to inform an application of the removal (deletion from the system) of a line device.
OnIdle Fired when TAPI indicates that the call is in an idle state.
OnLineReply Fires when asynchronous TAPI function is completed.
OnMonitorMedia Fired when TAPI indicates that the media mode of the call has changed.
OnNewCall fires each time the line device signals a new call.
OnOffering Fired when an incoming call is detected on the line.
OnPhoneDevSpecific Fired when about device-specific events occurring at the phone.
OnPhoneDynamicCreate Fired to inform the application of the creation of a new line device.
OnPhoneDynamicRemove Fired to inform an application of the removal (deletion from the system) of a line device.
OnPhoneStateChanged Fired when the status of a phone device changed.
OnPlayBackComplete Fired when the playBack wave is Completed
OnRecordComplete Fire when the recording is completed.
OnRequestMakeCall reports the arrival of a new request of MakeCall(tapiRequestMakeCall) from another application.
OnRing Fired when the ring is detected.
OnSetupTransferExComplete Fired when SetupTransferEx has completed
OnRecordTimeOut Fired when reach the record time out value.
OnSpeakState Fired when the state of TTS has changed.
OnSpecialInfo Fired when special information available.
OnSpeechRecognition Fired when the state of the recognition processing has changed.
OnSilence Fired when silence is detected on the telephone line.
OnSilenceEnd Fired when detected the ending point of the silence by software.
OnSilenceStart Fired when detected the starting point of the silence by software.
OnToneDetected Fired when a tone is detected.
OnTTYDetection Fired when a TTY baudot code char is detected.
OnWaveInBuffer Fired when the record waveform-audio data is present in the WaveInbuffer.
OnWaveOutBuffer Fired when the given output buffer has been played.

See Also