Telephony Programming Controls
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TAPI Architecture

In this chapter, you'll learn how the Telephony API is organized and how its various function calls are used to provide TAPI services to Windows applications. You'll learn about the four different levels of TAPI services:

  • Assisted Telephony-This is the simplest form of TAPI service.
  • Basic Telephony-This provides basic in- and outbound telephony services for a single-line phone.
  • Supplemental Telephony-This provides advanced telephone services such as hold, park, conference, and so on, to single and multiline phones.
  • Extended Telephony-This provides a direct interface between Windows programs and vendor-specific TAPI services.

You'll also learn how these levels of service are implemented using API calls and how they work together to provide complete TAPI services, from a simple Dial button, through handling inbound and outbound calls, to acting as a switchboard in a multiline setting, and finally to providing access to vendor-specific features of telephony cards.

When you complete this chapter you'll understand how the Telephony API is organized and how you can use it to add telephony services to your Windows applications.

Assisted Telephony Services

The simplest form of TAPI service is Assisted Telephony. Under the Assisted Telephony interface, programmers can place outbound calls and check the current dialing location of the workstation. This type of telephony service can be used to provide a simple Dial button to existing applications or add dialing capabilities to new applications that will use telephony as an added service.

In fact, the Assisted Telephony model only provides access for programs to request the placement of an outbound call. The actual dialing of the call is handled by another Windows/TAPI application. The default application is DIALER.EXE. This application ships with the Windows TAPI SDK and is part of the Windows 95 operating system.

There are two API calls used to provide Assisted TAPI services. Table 23.1 shows the two calls, their parameters, and descriptions of what they do and how they can be used.

Table 23.1. The Assisted Telephony API.
API Call Parameters Comments
TapiRequestMakeCall DestAddress, AppName, CalledParty, Comment Use this function to request an outbound call placement. Only the DestAddress is required.
TapiGetLocationInfo CountryCode,


Use this function to return the current country code and city code of theworkstation. These values are stored in the TELEPHON.INIfile.

The TapiRequestMakeCall has four parameters. Only the DestAddess is required. The DestAddress is a string of numbers that represents the telephone number to dial. For example, "999-555-1212" is a valid DestAddress in the United States format. The AppName parameter is the name of the application that requested the TAPI service. This would be the name of your application. The CalledParty is a string that represents the name of the person you are calling. This information could be used by the DIALER.EXE application to log the person called. The Comment parameter could contain a string of text describing the reason for the call.

The TapiGetLocation function returns two parameters: the CountryCode and CityCode of the current location set by the Windows control panel TAPI applet. These two parameters are stored in the TELEPHON.INI file in the Windows folder of the workstation. The country code is a value used to place out-of-country calls. The country code for the United States is "1." The CityCode is known as the area code in the United States. The combination of the country code and the city code is used to determine how the TAPI dialer will place the requested call.

For example, if the requested call contained "1-312-555-1212" and the current workstation location indicated a country code of "1" and a city code of "312," then the TAPI DIALER.EXE program would attempt to place the call without including the country or city codes: "555-1212." If, however, the requested call contained "43-80-12 33 45" then the DIALER program would assume that the user was attempting to place an out-of-country call and would use the appropriate dialing prefixes.

Basic Telephony Services

Basic Telephony is the next level up in the TAPI service model. Basic Telephony function calls allow programmers to create applications that can provide basic in- and outbound voice and data calls over a single-line analog telephone. The analog phone line most often used for this level of service is often referred to as a POTS or Plain Old Telephone Service line. The Basic Telephony API set can also be used with more sophisticated lines such as T1, ISDN, or digital lines. However, the added features of these advanced line devices (such as call forwarding, park, hold, conference, and so on) are not available when using the Basic Telephony API set.

The Basic Telephony level of service focuses on the use of a line device as a means of transporting information from one place to the next. A line device to TAPI can be a handset, a fax board, a data modem, a telephony card, or any other physical device that can be attached to a telephone line, But it is treated as a virtual device, not a physical one.

Line devices are not associated directly with any physical telephone line. This way, TAPI can "see" multiple TAPI devices on the same machine (data modem, handset, and fax board) while there is only one physical telephone line attached to the workstation (see Figure 23.1).

Figure 23.1 : The relationship between TAPI line devices and physical phone lines

One of the primary functions of the TAPI interface is to handle multiple TAPI service requests from the workstation. It is possible that several applications running on the workstation may request TAPI services at some time. The call control application (DIALER.EXE) accepts each request and places them in a queue for processing in the requested order.

The Basic Telephony Line Device API Set

The Basic Telephony service model has several API calls for handling and fulfilling service requests. These calls can be collected into logical groups:

  • Basic line-handling calls handle the initialization and opening and closing of TAPI lines.
  • Line settings and status calls handle the reading and writing of various parameter values that control the behavior of the line device.
  • Outbound and inbound functions handle the details of placing an outbound voice or data call and answering an inbound voice or data call.
  • Addressing functions handle the details of recognizing, translating, and/or building telephone "addresses" or dialing strings.
  • Miscellaneous features handle other TAPI-related functions, such as managing call-monitoring privileges and manipulating call handles.

Table 23.2 shows the Basic Telephony API calls, sorted by functional group, along with a short description of their use. "Creating TAPI-Enabled Applications."

Table 23.2. The Basic Telephony line device API set.
Function Group API Call Description
Basic line-handling lineInitialize Initializes the Telephony API line abstraction for use by the invoking application.
  lineShutdown Shuts down the application's use of the Telephony API line.
  lineNegotiateAPIVersion Allows an application to negotiate an API version to use.
  lineOpen Opens a specified line device for providing subsequent monitoring and/or control of the line.
  lineClose Closes a specified opened line device.
  lineDrop Disconnects a call, or abandons a call attempt in progress.
  lineDeallocateCall De-allocates the specified call handle.
Line settings and status lineGetDevCaps Returns the capabilities of a given line device.
  lineGetDevConfig Returns the configuration of a media stream device.
  lineGetlineDevStatus Returns the current status of the specified open line device.
  lineSetDevConfig Sets the configuration of the specified media stream device.
  lineSetStatusMessages Specifies the status changes for which the application wants to be notified.
  lineGetStatusMessages Returns the application's current line and address status message settings.
  lineGetID Retrieves a device ID associated with the specified open line, address, or call.
  lineSetNumRings Indicates the number of rings after which inbound calls are to be answered.
  lineGetNumRings This function returns the minimum number of rings requested with lineSetNumRings.
  lineGetIcon Allows an application to retrieve an icon for display to the user.
  lineConfigDialog Causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog that allows the user to configure parameters related to the line device.
Inbound and outbound calls lineMakeCall Makes an outbound call and returns a call handle for it.
  lineDial Dials (parts of one or more) dialable addresses.
  lineAnswer Answers an inbound call.
Addresses lineGetAddressCaps Returns the telephony capabilities of an address.
  lineGetAddressStatus Returns the current status of a specified address.
  lineGetAddressID Retrieves the address ID of an address specified using an alternate format.
  lineTranslateAddress Translates between an address in canonical format and an address in dialable format.
  lineSetCurrentLocation Sets the location used as the context for address translation.
  lineSetTollList Manipulates the toll list.
  lineGetTranslateCaps Returns address translation capabilities.
Miscellaneous features lineGetCallInfo Returns mostly constant information about a call.
  lineGetCallStatus Returns complete call status information for the specified call.
  lineSetAppSpecific Sets the application-specific field of a call's information structure.
  LineRegisterRequest ÂRecipient Registers or de-registers the application as a request recipient for the specified request mode.
  lineGetRequest Gets the next request from the Telephony DLL.
  lineSetCallPrivilege Sets the application's privilege to the privilege specified.
  lineHandoff Hands off call ownership and/or changes an application's privileges to a call.
  lineGetNewCalls Returns call handles to calls on a specified line or address for which the application does not yet have handles.
  lineGetConfRelatedCalls Returns a list of call handles that are part of the same conference call as the call specified as a parameter.

The Basic Telephony Line Device Structures

Along with the extensive API set for Basic Telephony, the TAPI model defines several data structures that are used to pass information between TAPI and the requesting application. The layout of the structures contains variable as well as fixed data. This allows the API set to contain information of indeterminate length without prior knowledge of the contents of the structure.

In order to handle variable-length structures, the defined data structures contain fields that indicate the total size needed to fill in all variable data (dwNeededSize) along with the total size used by TAPI when filling in the structure (dwUsedSize). Listing 23.1 shows how this looks in the LINECALLLIST structure.

Listing 23.1. Viewing the LINECALLLIST structure.
typedef struct linecalllist_tag {
  DWORD  dwTotalSize;
  DWORD  dwNeededSize;
  DWORD  dwUsedSize;

  DWORD  dwCallsNumEntries;
  DWORD  dwCallsSize;
  DWORD  dwCallsOffset;

The dwTotalSize field is first set by the calling application to tell TAPI how much memory has been allocated for the structure. If TAPI cannot fill in all values without running out of allocated space, an error is returned and it is the job of the requesting application to re-allocate space and make the call again.

Along with the total size and total needed fields, each variable-length structure has a fixed portion and a variable portion. The fixed portion contains values that indicate the size of the variable-length field and the offset (from the start of the structure) at which the field is located. Note the fields dwCallsSize and dwCallsOffset in the LINECALLLIST structure shown in Listing 23.1.

Table 23.2 shows the list of data structures used by the Basic Telephony API set along with short descriptions of their use.

Table 23.2. The Basic Telephony API line device structures.
Structure Description
LINEADDRESSCAPS Describes the capabilities of a specified address.
LINEADDRESSSTATUS Describes the current status of an address.
LINECALLINFO Contains information about a call.
LINECALLLIST Describes a list of call handles.
LINECALLPARAMS Describes parameters supplied when making calls using lineMakeCall.
LINECALLSTATUS Describes the current status of a call.
LINECARDENTRY Describes a calling card.
LINECOUNTRYENTRY Provides the information for a single country entry.
LINECOUNTRYLIST Describes a list of countries.
LINEDEVCAPS Describes the capabilities of a line device.
LINEDEVSTATUS Describes the current status of a line device.
LINEDIALPARAMS Specifies a collection of dialing-related fields.
LINEEXTENSIONID Describes an extension ID. Extension IDs are used to identify service provider-specific extensions for line devices.
LINEFORWARD Describes an entry of the forwarding instructions.
LINEFORWARDLIST Describes a list of forwarding instructions.
LINEGENERATETONE Contains information about a tone to be generated.
LINELOCATIONENTRY Describes a location used to provide an address translation context.
LINEMEDIACONTROLCALLSTATE Describes a media action to be executed when detecting transitions into one or more call states.
LINEMEDIACONTROLDIGIT Describes a media action to be executed when detecting a digit.
LINEMEDIACONTROLMEDIA Describes a media action to be executed when detecting a media-mode change.
LINEMEDIACONTROLTONE Describes a media action to be executed when a tone has been detected.
LINEMONITORTONE Describes a tone to be monitored.
LINEPROVIDERENTRY Provides the information for a single-service provider entry.
LINEPROVIDERLIST Describes a list of service providers.
LINEREQMAKECALL Describes a tapiRequestMakeCall request.
LINETERMCAPS Describes the capabilities of a line's terminal device.
LINETRANSLATECAPS Describes the address translation capabilities.
LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT Describes the result of an address translation.

A detailed listing of all TAPI structures is included in the Microsoft Visual C++ Win32 documentation. You can also find complete TAPI documentation on the MSDN Professional Level CD-ROMs.

Basic Telephony Line Device Messages

The Telephony API uses Windows messages to communicate with the requesting application. When the requesting application first performs a LineInitialize function, a callback function address must be supplied. All messages are then sent to this callback function.

The fact that TAPI uses callbacks for messages means that any high-level language such as Visual Basic must use either a DLL or OCX or establish the callback link or use some other tool that can capture Windows messages. A sample OCX is included on the CD-ROM that ships with this book. This OCX is used throughout the book to show how you can link Visual Basic and other VBA-compliant languages to TAPI services.

Each message returns the same set of parameters. The first is the relevant handle. Usually this is the call handle, but it may also be a line handle. The second parameter is the callback instance value. This value will always be the instance handle of the current running application. The next three values vary depending on the message. One or more of these return values will contain non-zero data. Table 23.3 contains a list of the Basic Telephony messages, their parameters, and short descriptions.

Table 23.3. Basic Telephony line device messages.
Message Parameters Description
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = idAddress;
dwParam2 = AddressState;
dwParam3 = (DWORD) 0;
Sent when the status of an address changes on a line that is currently open by the application. The application can invoke lineGetAddressStatusto determine the current status of the address.
LINE_CALLINFO dwDevice = hCall;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = CallInfoState;
dwParam2 = (DWORD) 0;
dwParam3 = (DWORD) 0;
Sent when the call information about the specified call has changed. The application can invoke lineGetCallInfo to determine the current call information.
LINE_CALLSTATE dwDevice = hCall;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = CallState;
dwParam2 =
dwParam3 =
Sent when the status of the specified call has changed. Several such messages will typically be received during the lifetime of a call.
LINE_CLOSE dwDevice = hLine;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = (DWORD) 0;
dwParam2 = (DWORD) 0;
dwParam3 = (DWORD) 0;
Sent when the specified line device has been forcibly closed. The line device handle or any call handles for calls on the line are no longer valid once this message has been sent.
LINE_CREATE dwDevice = 0;
dwCallbackInstance = 0;
dwParam1 = idDevice;
dwParam2 = 0;
dwParam3 = 0;
Sent to inform the application of the creation of a new line device.
LINE_DEVSPECIFIC dwDevice = hLineOrCall;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 =
dwParam2 =
dwParam3 =
Sent to notify the application about device-specific events occurring on a line, address, or call. The meaning of the message and the interpretation of the parameters is device specific.
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 =
dwParam2 =
dwParam3 =
Sent to notify the application about device-specific events occurring on a line, address, or call. The meaning of the message and the interpretation of the parameters is device specific.
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 =
dwParam2 = 0;
dwParam3 = 0;
Sent when the current buffered digit-gathering request has terminated or is canceled. The digit buffer may be examined after this message has been received by the application.
LINE_GENERATE dwDevice = hCall;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 =
dwParam2 = 0;
dwParam3 = 0;
Sent to notify the application that the current digit or tone generation has terminated. Note that only one such generation request can be in progress on a given call at any time. This message is also sent when digit or tone generation is canceled.
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = DeviceState;
dwParam2 =
dwParam3 =
Sent when the state of a line device has changed. The application can invoke lineGetLineDevStatus to determine the new status of the line.
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = Digit;
dwParam2 = DigitMode;
dwParam3 = 0;
Sent when a digit is detected. The sending of this message is controlled with the lineMonitorDigits function.
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = MediaMode;
dwParam2 = 0;
dwParam3 = 0;
Sent when a change in the call's media mode is detected. The sending of this message is controlled with the lineMonitorMedia function.
LINE_MONITORTONE dwDevice = hCall;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = dwAppSpecific;
dwParam2 = 0;
dwParam3 = 0;
Sent when a tone is detected. The sending of this message is controlled with the lineMonitorTones function.
LINE_REPLY dwDevice = 0;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = idRequest;
dwParam2 = Status;
dwParam3 = 0;
Sent to report the results of function calls that completed asynchronously.
LINE_REQUEST dwDevice = 0;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = RequestMode;
dwParam2 =
dwParam3 =
Sent to report the arrival of a new request from another application.

Additional information about the TAPI line messages can be found in the Win32 documentation that ships with Microsoft Visual C++ and in the TAPI documentation that ships with the MSDN Professional Level CD-ROM pack.

Supplemental Telephony Services

The Supplemental Telephony functions provide advanced line device handling (conference, park, hold, forward, and so on). Access to these advanced services is dependent on the type of telephone line to which the workstation is connected. In other words, even if you implement call forwarding functions within your TAPI application, these functions will only work if call forwarding services are available on the telephone line provided by the local telephone company.

The Supplemental Telephony functions also allow programmers to handle service requests for multiple-line phones. You can use Supplemental Telephony to mange a physical handset that has access to multiple physical lines (see Figure 23.2).

Figure 23.2 : Using Supplemental TAPI to manage a single handset linked to multiple physical lines.

You can also use the Supplemental Telephony functions to manage multiple handsets using one or more physical lines. Because TAPI "virtualizes" both line and phone devices, there need not be a direct one-to-one correspondence between a defined phone device and a defined line device. In this way you can use TAPI to create a switchboard application to manage telephony services (see Figure 23.3).

Figure 23.3 : Using Supplemental TAPI to provide switchboard services

Supplemental Telephony also provides access to defining and manipulating phone devices. To TAPI a phone device is any device that can accept or place calls. In effect, you can register your workstation as a phone device. Then you can use resources on your workstation to place or accept calls without the need of a handset or desktop phone. Of course, in order to act successfully as a phone device, your workstation must have audio input and output hardware.

Supplemental Telephony API for Line Devices

The Supplemental API set for line devices adds advanced call control and other features to the API library. The set can be divided into the following related groups of functions:

  • Digit and tone handling functions allow programmers to detect and generate digits or tones along the phone line. This capability is needed to allow some systems to perform advanced line operations such as forwarding, call holds, and so on.
  • Advanced line-handling functions provide call acceptance, rejection, redirection, and other operations. These are most useful in an environment where the phone line is connected to a central switch instead of directly to the external telephone service provider.
  • Advanced call features functions provide Call Hold, Transfer, Park, Forward, and Pickup capabilities. These functions only work if the telephone line supports the advanced call features.
  • Miscellaneous advanced features functions provide added features specific to TAPI service requests, such as monitoring lines and setting call parameters.

Table 23.4 shows all the Supplemental Telephony API functions for the advanced line device features.

Table 23.4. The Supplemental Telephony API set for line devices.
Function Group API Call Description
Digit and tone handling lineMonitorDigits Enables or disables digit detection notification on a specified call.
  LineGatherDigits Performs the buffered gathering of digits on a call.
  LineMonitorTones Specifies which tones to detect on a specified call.
  LineGenerateDigits Generates inband digits on a call.
  LineGenerateTone Generates a given set of tones inband on a call.
Advanced call handling lineAccept Accepts an offered call and starts alerting both caller (ring-back) and called party (ring).
  LineRedirect Redirects an offering call to another address.
  LineSecureCall Secures an existing call from interference by other events such as call-waiting beeps on data connections.
  LineCompleteCall Places a call completion request.
  LineUncompleteCall Cancels a call completion request.
Call hold lineHold Places the specified call on hard hold.
  LineUnhold Retrieves a held call.
Call transfer lineSetupTransfer Prepares a specified call for transfer to another address.
  LineCompleteTransfer Transfers a call that was set up for transfer to another call, or enters a three-way conference.
  LineBlindTransfer Transfers a call to another party.
  LineSwapHold Swaps the active call with the call currently on consultation hold.
Call conference lineSetupConference Prepares a given call for the addition of another party.
  LinePrepareAddToConference Prepares to add a party to an existing conference call by allocating a consultation call that can later be added to the conference call that is placed on conference hold.
  LineAddToConference Adds a consultation call to an existing conference call.
  LineRemoveFromConference Removes a party from a conference call.
Call park linePark Parks a given call at another address.
  LineUnpark Retrieves a parked call.
Call forwarding lineForward Sets or cancels call forwarding requests.
Call pickup linePickup Picks up a call that is alerting at another number. Picks up a call alerting at another destination address and returns a call handle for the picked up call (linePickup can also be used for call waiting).
Miscellaneous advanced features lineSendUserUserInfo Sends user-to-user information to the remote party on the specified call (ISDN only).
  LineSetTerminal Specifies the terminal device to which the specified line, address events, or call media stream events are routed.
  LineSetCallParams Requests a change in the call parameters of an existing call.
  LineMonitorMedia Enables or disables media mode notification on a specified call.
  LineSetMediaControl Sets up a call's media stream for media control.
  LineSetMediaMode Sets the media mode(s) of the specified call in its LINECALLINFO structure.

Supplemental Telephony API for Phone Devices

The Supplemental Telephony API also provides function calls for the handling of phone devices. To TAPI, any device that can place or accept calls can be a phone device. The phone device API set allows programmers to invent their own phone devices in code. In effect, you can create a virtual handset using the TAPI phone device. This allows properly equipped workstations to act as single- or multiple-line phones in an office environment. If your pc has appropriate audio input and output hardware (speakers, sound card, microphone, and so on) and is connected to the telephone service, you can create a "handset" using the phone device API set.

The Supplemental Telephony API set for phone devices can be divided into the following function groups:

  • Basic phone-handling functions provide basic initialization and shutdown, opening and closing a phone device, and ringing the open device.
  • Phone settings and status functions allow programmers to read and write various settings of the phone device such as volume, gain, hookswitch behavior, and so on.
  • Physical display, data, button, and lamp functions can be used to read and write display information to desktop units. Since TAPI can be used to support more than just pc workstations, these functions allow a central TAPI program to monitor and update LCD displays, to flash lamps, to change buttons labels, and to store and retrieve data from desktop terminals.

Table 23.5 shows all the Supplemental Telephony phone device API calls along with short descriptions of their use.

Table 23.5. The Supplemental Telephony API for phone devices.
Function Group API Call Description
Basic phone handling phoneInitialize Initializes the Telephony API phone device for use by the invoking application.
  phoneShutdown Shuts down the applica-tion's use of the phone Telephony API.
  phoneNegotiateAPIVersion Allows an application to negotiate an API version to use.
  phoneOpen Opens the specified phone device, giving the application either owner or monitor privileges.
  PhoneClose Closes a specified open phone device.
  PhoneSetRing Rings an open phone device according to a given ring mode.
  PhoneGetRing Returns the current ring mode of an opened phone device.
Phone settings and status phoneGetDevCaps Returns the capabilities of a given phone device.
  PhoneGetID Returns a device ID for the given device class associated with the specified phone device.
  PhoneGetIcon Allows an application to retrieve an icon for display to the user.
  PhoneConfigDialog Causes the provider of the specified phone device to display a dialog that allows the user to configure parameters related to the phone device.
  PhoneSetStatusMessages Specifies the status changes for which the application wants to be notified.
  PhoneGetStatusMessages Returns the status changes for which the application wants to be notified.
  PhoneGetStatus Returns the complete status of an open phone device.
  PhoneSetHookSwitch Sets the hookswitch mode of one or more of the hook-switch devices of an open phone device.
  PhoneGetHookSwitch Queries the hookswitch mode of a hookswitch device of an open phone device.
  PhoneSetVolume Sets the volume of a hook-switch device's speaker of an open phone device.
  PhoneGetVolume Returns the volume setting of a hookswitch device's speaker of an open phone device.
  PhoneSetGain Sets the gain of a hookswitch device's mic of an open phone device.
  PhoneGetGain Returns the gain setting of a hookswitch device's mic of an open phone device.
Physical display, data, buttons, and lamps phoneSetDisplay Writes information to the display of an open phone device.
  PhoneGetDisplay Returns the current contents of a phone's display.
  PhoneSetButtonInfo Sets the information associated with a button on a phone device.
  PhoneGetButtonInfo Returns information associated with a button on a phone device.
  PhoneSetLamp Lights a lamp on a specified open phone device in a given lamp-lighting mode.
  PhoneGetLamp Returns the current lamp mode of the specified lamp.
  PhoneSetData Downloads a buffer of data to a given data area in the phone device.
  PhoneGetData Uploads the contents of a given data area in the phone device to a buffer.

The Supplemental Telephony Phone Device Structures

Just as the line device API set has a series of data structures, the phone device set also has related data structures. These structures are used to pass information between the desktop program and the TAPI service provider.

The phone device structures most often used are the PHONECAPS and PHONESTATUS structures. Table 23.6 shows all the phone device structures along with brief descriptions of their use.

Table 23.6. The Supplemental Telephony phone device structures.
Structure Description
PHONEBUTTONINFO Contains information about a button on a phone device.
PHONECAPS Describes the capabilities of a phone device.
PHONEEXTENSIONID Describes an extension ID. Extension IDs are used to identify service provider-specific extensions for phone device classes. Used mostly for Extended Telephony.
PHONESTATUS Describes the current status of a phone device.
VARSTRING Used for returning variably sized strings. It is used both by the line device class and the phone device class.

The Supplemental Telephony Phone Device Messages

The Supplemental Telephony phone device also uses a callback function to register a function address to receive Windows messages. This callback address is established during the phoneInitialize API call.

The fact that TAPI uses callbacks for messages means that any high-level languages such as Visual Basic must use either a DLL or OCX or establish the callback link or use some other tool that can capture windows messages. A sample OCX is included on the CD-ROM that ships with this book. This OCX is used throughout the book to show how you can link Visual Basic and other VBA-compliant languages to TAPI services.

Each message returns the same set of parameters. The first is the handle of the phone device. The second parameter is the callback instance value. This value will always be the instance handle of the current running application. The next three values vary depending on the message. One or more of these return values will contain non-zero data. Table 23.7 contains a list of the Basic Telephony messages, their parameters, and short descriptions.

Table 23.7. The Supplemental Telephony phone device messages.
Message Parameters Description
PHONE_BUTTON hPhone = hPhoneDevice;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 =
dwParam2 = ButtonMode;
dwParam3 = ButtonState;
Sent to notify the application that button press monitoring is enabled if it has detected a button press on the local phone.
PHONE_CLOSE hPhone = hPhoneDevice;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = 0;
dwParam2 = 0;
dwParam3 = 0;
Sent when an open phone
device has been forcibly
closed as part of resource
reclamation. The device handle is no longer valid once this message has been sent.
PHONE_CREATE hPhone = hPhoneDev;
dwCallbackInstance = 0;
dwParam1 = idDevice;
dwParam2 = 0;
dwParam3 = 0;
This message is sent to inform applications of the creation of a new phone device.
PHONE_DEVSPECIFIC hPhone = hPhoneDevice;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = DevSpecific1;
dwParam2 = DevSpecific2;
dwParam3 = DevSpecific3;
This message is sent to notify the application about device- specific events occurring at the phone. The meaning of the message and the interpretation of the parameters is defined by the hardware vendor.
PHONE_REPLY hPhone = 0;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = idRequest;
dwParam2 = Status;
dwParam3 = 0;
This message is sent to report the results of a function call that completed asynchronously.
PHONE_STATE hPhone = hPhoneDevice;
dwCallbackInstance =
dwParam1 = PhoneState;
dwParam2 =
dwParam3 = 0;
The service provider sends this message to an application's callback function whenever the status of a phone device changes.

Extended Telephony Services

The last level of Telephony services is Extended Telephony. Extended Telephony service allows hardware vendors to define their own device-specific functions and services and still operate under the TAPI service model. By adding a small set of extended service API functions, Microsoft allows hardware vendors to continue to provide unique services not previously defined by TAPI. The TAPI model defines both line and phone device API calls for Extended Telephony.

Table 23.8 shows the Extended Telephony API set along with short descriptions of their use.

Table 23. 8. The Extended Telephony API set.
Function Group API Call Description
Extended Line service lineNegotiateExtVersion Allows an application to use with the negotiate an extension version to specified line device.
  lineDevSpecific Device-specific escape function.
  lineDevSpecificFeature Device-specific escape function to allow sending switch features to the switch.
Extended Phone service phoneNegotiateExtVersion Allows an application to negotiate an extension version to use with the specified phone device.
  phoneDevSpecific Device-specific escape function to allow vendor dependent extensions.

The actual meaning and use of extended TAPI calls is defined by the service provider or hardware vendor. Extended Telephony providers define the parameters of the calls and their meaning, and publish this information to the programmer. The programmer can then check the version information with the service provider before attempting to make an extended service call.


In this chapter you learned how the TAPI service model is implemented as a set of API calls. You learned there are four levels of TAPI services:

  • Assisted Telephony-The simplest form of TAPI service.
  • Basic Telephony-Provides basic in- and outbound telephony services for a single-line phone.
  • Supplemental Telephony-Provides advanced telephone services such as hold, park, conference, and so on, to single and multiline phones.
  • Extended Telephony-Provides a direct interface between Windows programs and vendor-specific TAPI services.

You also learned that the TAPI function set defines two different devices to handle telephony services:

  • A line device is used to control the connection between a data source and the physical telephone line.
  • A phone device is used to control the connection between a desktop handset and a line device.

Finally, you reviewed the API calls, data structures, and Windows messages defined for each level of TAPI service.



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